ystral Whitepaper Innovation beats tradition

2 Innovation instead of tradition – a central topic in process technology “Well-tried” production methods and technologies in process engineering thwart us. It might be tempting to operate machines and systems as long as they still function, but it is not effective – and if an existing system is replaced or extended with precisely the same “proven” technology, the issue is prolonged by several years. Innovation beats Tradition – Introduction nnovation and process optimisa- tion enable companies to opera- te more efficiently, cost-effective- ly and more environmentally friendly. However, often, the innovative and process-related methods and soluti- ons are not even known. Even though they are always associated with sim- plifications and cost savings. If the possibilities are not even known, their potential cannot be utilised either. Therefore, in this Whitepaper, we would like to take a closer look at some areas in which significant ad- vantages can be achieved with inno- vative solutions compared to traditi- onal processes. Innovation is not an opti- on in process technology, but a necessity. At ystral, we have developed machi- nes and methods which drastical- ly reduce process times – for some applications even by more than 99%. How can this work? For example, by increasing the volume-specific capa- city by factor 30,000 – but not increa- sing the energy used in doing so, but rather reducing it by 60%. Or by re- placing random and undirected pro- cesses with targeted innovative pro- cesses. At the same time, the content of a vessel can be stirred for 30 mi- nutes or longer in a circular motion, and still not be homogeneous. The inertia of the vertical liquid hinders vertical circulation. Or a consistently vertical mixing principle is used, i.e. a jetstream mixer, and everything is homogeneously mixed in less than 3 minutes. Future-proof solutions The aspects of flexibility, safety and quality are also discussed in this Whi- tepaper. Continually new provisions, safety regulations and quality require- ments are the order of the day in the process industry. This powder must no longer be added openly, this addi- tive has undesirable side effects. Pre- servatives must only be used at mini- mum quantities. And hybrid mixtures may no longer be processed with the available machines at all. The conti- nuous compliance with new provisi- ons can be difficult for companies. It takes time, resources and training to ensure that all employees are up to date. The solution in these cases again is an innovative technology, which is flexible and safe – not only today, but also in future. Dr. Hans-Joachim Jacob Senior Expert Process and Applications ystral gmbh maschinenbau + processtechnik